Monday, July 21, 2014

Coalville Utah - Vic's Diner Investigation

October 2013 GUTS was welcomed by the town of Coalville, UT. We were invited to investigate Vic's Diner on Main Street and were given permission to follow spirits wherever they lead us in town.
The paranormal activity was high that night. We utilized our: Digital Recorders, Cameras, Flashlights, Spirit Box and EMF readers at Vic's.
We were able to capture the name of one of the employees on the Spirit Box - needless to say McKenzie was quite stunned.
Flashlights shined on and off in response to our questions.
Lori put a ball on the table in an area of great activity. After speaking to the spirits the ball didn't roll off the table it JUMPED.
We had other experiences at the cemetery and the town square, where once again - the ball flew from a bench and rolled under April's feet. It was quite an delightful learning experience for the team. We are grateful to the motel, the employees at Vic's and the townspeople of Coalville for a great investigation.
To see a video compiled by our tech guy - Chase Christensen  - go to our Facebook Page -

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